JINR, Dubna, Russia
13.04.2014 – 16.04.2014
- R. Mirzoyan (MPP, API): Introduction to collaboration meeting
- L. Kuzmichev (SINP): Intoduction – Tunka-HiSCORE status
- V. Prosin (SINP): EAS parameters reconstruction and energy spectrum
- L. Sveshnikova (SINP): MC simulation
- A. Porelli, R.Wischnewski (DESY): MC and EAS reconstruction
- S. Epimakhov (HU): MC for Tunka-HiSCORE HiSCORE detector angular acceptance
- O. Gress (API): Measurement of angular acceptance of HiSCORE station
- S. Epimakhov (HU): Calculation and verification of angular acceptance
- V. Prosin (SINP): Angular acceptance from comparison of HiSCORE and Tunka Time calibration
- A. Paharukov, R. Mankhoiev (API): Light source and reflectors
- A. Porelli, R. Wischnewski (DESY): Timing verification with LED runs
- V. Prosin (SINP): Comparision of LED date with EAS date HiSCORE station
- V. Poleschuk (API): Station mechanics
- R. Mirgazov (API): Slow control (pdf)
- N. Lubsandorziev: Measurement of PMT characteristics
- R. Mirgazov (API): HV-control system and data log (pdf)
- B. Lubsandorzhiev: Current and future LED sources for HiSCORE DAQ
- A. Skurikhin, V. Kozhin: Upgrade of DRS4 board
- M. Tluczykont (HU): Summator
- M. Brueckner: WR and the 2014 DAQ
- S. Bereznev: Project of data storage for Tunka DAQ center
- M. Brueckner, R. Wischnevski: Data collection & storage for HiSCORE-2014
- A. Perevalov (API): Data collection & storage (pdf)
- The 2014 Array: Design + Plan for summer-autumn work
- L. Kuzmichev (SINP): Suggestion for station positions and time schedule of deployment
- R. Mirzoyan (MPP, API): Introduction
- L. Tkachev (JINR): Mechanics of Telescope – status and schedule
- D. Horns, M. Tluczykont (HU): Mirrors and support structure of the reflector
- N. Kirichkov (API): Mirror plate properties and support structure design
- R. Mirzoyan (MPP, API): PMTs for telescope
- I. Yashin (MEPhI): MEPHY possibility for PMT testing
- P. Klimov: Camera for TUS detector
- M. Tluczykont (HU): MC – imaging telescopes and HiSCORE array
- S. Epimakhov, V.Samoliga (API): MC for imaging telescope
- R. Mirzoyan (MPP, API): DAQ on base of CITiROCK chip
- L. Kuzmichev (SINP): MSU suggestion for DAQ
- T. Jammer (UT): Tubingen prototype camera
- M. Shayduk: A cost effective high performance FPGA based camera readout and trigger
- I. Yashin (MEPhI): Testing of MEPHY muon detector
- D. Kostunin (KIT): Recent analysis results of Tunka-Rex
- O. Gress (API). First scintillation station
- N. Budnev, R. Manhoiev (API): Plan for scintillation stations deployment
- B. Lubsandorziev: Suggestion for muon detector construction
- L. Kuzmichev (SINP): Suggestion for muon detectors DAQ
- R. Mirzoyan (MPP, API): Water Cherenkov muon detector
- C. Spiering: Neutrinos at highest energies: Recent developments and plans for future
- V. Ptuskin or V. Zirakashvili: CR Origin and Gamma ray astronomy